It is essential nowadays to make children aware of all environmental and ecological issues from an early age. From a generation that is already more aware of such issues than previous generations, children learn some good practices at school. However, it is important for their future to ensure that they become fully immersed in these practices and that they apply certain simple gestures in their daily lives that will have a strong impact on the planet.
When we talk about responsible food consumption, we are referring to seasonal, primarily organic and local food that reduces waste. However, when we think of children's food, the responsibility often lies with the parents. However, let's not forget that the habits children grow up with are often the ones they reproduce.
That's why it's important to explain eco-responsible food practices to them, and for that, some brands like DFL Kids (Dis leur 2 fruits et Légumes) are committed to raising awareness through fun designs, patterns and graphics. Through these brands, they learn to take food as a serious issue and to get involved.
On their website you will find the products and the history of the brand, whose aim is to inform children and create interest in fruit and vegetables from an early age. By wearing this type of ethical clothing, your child will indirectly be carrying a message, an eco-responsible mindset.
Are you a (young) parent who is doing your best to instil eco-responsible values in your children, but you are afraid that this will not have a big impact on their future? Ask for help from Future in the making. Futur en Herbe offers great courses and discovery workshops for children aged 6 to 14.
With the aim of teaching children life skills, curiosity and self-confidence, Futur en Herbe aims to make them stronger to face the world of tomorrow! An intelligent and playful approach that can be done online or in person, depending on the courses you choose.
Ecology, decision making, responsibility, discovery are all part of the package and your children will surely owe you a lifetime of gratitude for this experience.
We undoubtedly live in a consumer society, in which marketing and advertising techniques are nowadays only designed to make us consume. Fortunately, in recent years, these techniques have come under the scrutiny of the younger generations who are interested in how to return to more normal and balanced consumption practices.
The slogan of eco-responsibility, "reduce, reuse, recycle" is a strategy that is one of the foundations of the zero waste approach. It aims to rethink the need for innovation, for the new, and instead to reuse the old without the need to "re-consume". In this state of mind, second-hand is a phenomenon that is increasingly present in our consumption patterns.
This is how Vidiamo also puts durability, quality and its double pram feature at the heart of its project. Indeed, it will allow you to be reused throughout your life, following the growth of your children and their lifestyle at each stage of their childhood. The Limo can be converted into a double pram, so you don't have to have several prams. The quality of the materials chosen ensures durability.
In conclusion, we live in a time where there are many opportunities for children to learn and for us to learn from our children. Let's make them aware and do our best to live in a better world, where over-consumption is no longer a habit.
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